What to expect during and after a Healing Session

One of the first things to discuss about a healing session is the difference between healing and curing. One of my teachers told me, "Doctors cure, a Shaman heals." What is the difference? A doctor cures by fixing the broken bone, prescribing medicine for the illness or operating to remove the diseased part of the body. A shamanic type healing session looks at the energetic cause of what the doctor would be attempting to cure.
In many instances, illness. disease, 'bad luck' and other traumas repeat themselves even though the person is cured. Why is this? Often, a person's Luminous Energy Field contains energetic 'wounds' that tend to make a traumatic event even more challenging or repeating. These wounds may come in many guises. The most common are listed in our Home Page and described in more detail on other pages within our website.
Before starting any healing ptocess, we always open Sacred Space. This is done to facilitate the healing and to provide a pure, holy, safe and comfortable space for our work to be done. Generally, a prayer is said to the four directions, Sky and Mother Earth. This calls forth all the necessary angels and spirit guides to assist in whatever energetic healing mode is used. See A Prayer for Opening Sacred Space.
As a general rule, a client would not come in and say, "Hi, I'd like a Soul Retrieval and a Imprint removal." What we do is work with the client to understand what has drawn her to a healing session. The physical ailments or emotional trauma are usually only the symptoms of the root cause.
After an initial interview, the shaman practitioner will consult with her Guides by Journeying to their place in non-ordinary reality. There, her Guides will lead the practitioner to the appropriate methodology for healing. Most often, a chakra clearing and a checking for Imprints will be the first steps. Sometimes this is enough. More often, we find that our clients exhibit several of the issues listed on the Home Page. These can be addressed in a single session or in follow-up sessions depending on the depth of the work on the client. The best interest and wellbeing of the client is always of utmost importance to us.
A session usually lasts approximately one hour. The inital session can take one and a half to two hours. Once a session is over, the client will continue to 'process' the energy healing that has been done. Depending on the specific modes used, the client may experience continued processing for up to two weeks. We offer continuing guidance to our clients as they integrate their new way of living in a better energetic state.
Click here for more information or to set up an appointment.
In many instances, illness. disease, 'bad luck' and other traumas repeat themselves even though the person is cured. Why is this? Often, a person's Luminous Energy Field contains energetic 'wounds' that tend to make a traumatic event even more challenging or repeating. These wounds may come in many guises. The most common are listed in our Home Page and described in more detail on other pages within our website.
Before starting any healing ptocess, we always open Sacred Space. This is done to facilitate the healing and to provide a pure, holy, safe and comfortable space for our work to be done. Generally, a prayer is said to the four directions, Sky and Mother Earth. This calls forth all the necessary angels and spirit guides to assist in whatever energetic healing mode is used. See A Prayer for Opening Sacred Space.
As a general rule, a client would not come in and say, "Hi, I'd like a Soul Retrieval and a Imprint removal." What we do is work with the client to understand what has drawn her to a healing session. The physical ailments or emotional trauma are usually only the symptoms of the root cause.
After an initial interview, the shaman practitioner will consult with her Guides by Journeying to their place in non-ordinary reality. There, her Guides will lead the practitioner to the appropriate methodology for healing. Most often, a chakra clearing and a checking for Imprints will be the first steps. Sometimes this is enough. More often, we find that our clients exhibit several of the issues listed on the Home Page. These can be addressed in a single session or in follow-up sessions depending on the depth of the work on the client. The best interest and wellbeing of the client is always of utmost importance to us.
A session usually lasts approximately one hour. The inital session can take one and a half to two hours. Once a session is over, the client will continue to 'process' the energy healing that has been done. Depending on the specific modes used, the client may experience continued processing for up to two weeks. We offer continuing guidance to our clients as they integrate their new way of living in a better energetic state.
Click here for more information or to set up an appointment.