Sacred clearing of land, homes and businesses

Homes, offices and land absorb the energies of events and persons who spend time there. Generally, the energies are absorbed and converted to neutral energies in the earth. Sometimes, heavy or negative energies are present in prolonged or massive amounts. This can be from violent acts such as war, murder or suicide. It can accumulate from other forms of suffering such as addictions and mental illness. Heavy energies then accumulate and remain attached to the land.
This energy can then affect the life force or Luminous Energy Field (LEF) of persons who subsequently occupy the land or dwellings thereon. Persons may be influenced to continue repeating the pattern of the energy on the land resulting in depression, illness and violence. You may have noticed some buildings where businesses seem to be constantly changing and houses that are constantly being offered for sale. These may be indications of a land that has accumulated negative energies that are having a deleterious effect on the occupants.
In some cases, the land may be occupied by a spirit that is presenting a negative effect on the land and occupants. The spirit may be someone who crossed over while on the land (also see Spirit Journeys)or even a guardian spirit on the land that perceives the occupants as intruders.
In the first situation, the area can be cleared through a process of converting the heavy energy into lighter, more beneficial energy. In the case of a spirit, it is necessary to ascertain the spirits reason for being there. A spirit that crossed over without moving on can be guided to move forward in their Journey. In the case of a guardian spirit, dialogue with the spirit can bring an understanding between the spirit and those living on the land.
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This energy can then affect the life force or Luminous Energy Field (LEF) of persons who subsequently occupy the land or dwellings thereon. Persons may be influenced to continue repeating the pattern of the energy on the land resulting in depression, illness and violence. You may have noticed some buildings where businesses seem to be constantly changing and houses that are constantly being offered for sale. These may be indications of a land that has accumulated negative energies that are having a deleterious effect on the occupants.
In some cases, the land may be occupied by a spirit that is presenting a negative effect on the land and occupants. The spirit may be someone who crossed over while on the land (also see Spirit Journeys)or even a guardian spirit on the land that perceives the occupants as intruders.
In the first situation, the area can be cleared through a process of converting the heavy energy into lighter, more beneficial energy. In the case of a spirit, it is necessary to ascertain the spirits reason for being there. A spirit that crossed over without moving on can be guided to move forward in their Journey. In the case of a guardian spirit, dialogue with the spirit can bring an understanding between the spirit and those living on the land.
Click here for more information or to set up an appointment.