removing cords
Cords are unhealthy energetic connections between people. All people have energetic connections with other people. These connections can be thought of as webs interconnecting us all. Sometimes, the connection between two people becomes unhealthy. This can be the 'can't let go' of a relationship that is ending, an unhealthy dependence (or codependence)between people, or any relationship that hinders the growth of the individuals in any way. Many familial relationships do not grow beyond the Parent-child stage after the children reach adulthood. This can inhibit the growth and maturation of both parent and child.
Removing the cord does not necessarily end the relationship. On the contrary, cutting the cord allows the natural and healthy progression of the relationship. This may indeed be the end of the relationship, however, in most cases the relationship finds a healthy balance that supports both parties and allows them to reach for their highest potententials.
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Removing the cord does not necessarily end the relationship. On the contrary, cutting the cord allows the natural and healthy progression of the relationship. This may indeed be the end of the relationship, however, in most cases the relationship finds a healthy balance that supports both parties and allows them to reach for their highest potententials.
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